Downhole Division
Blackstar Thru Tubing brings decades of experience to the thru tubing and fishing industry. We offer custom motor and agitator configurations that will meet your drill-out needs. Our Tool Specialists are well versed in all applications of our tools and with our hands on approach will ensure job optimization.

Features & Benefits
Multiple power section configuration to meet any operators well conditions.
High Rate - High Pressure - Dirty Fluid - High RPM
Pre-job dyno on motor to ensure quality
Quality checks in place for pre and post jobs
Supervisors experienced in horizontal plug drill outs and fishing scenarios
Full suite of thru tubing and fishing tools
Motors with industry leading horsepower and torque. Available sizes: ​​
1 11/2"​, 1 1/16", 2 1/8", 2 7/8", 3 1/8", 3 3/8"
Tungsten carbide dressed mills. 2" - 4 3/4" (concave or convex with standard rake and reverse clutch) ​
Coiled tubing connectors from 1 1/4" - 2 3/8"
Agitators for tough horizontal wells
Sealed bearing rock bits, bear claw bits
Speed mills, tapered mills, string mills
Bi-Directional jars and accelerators =

Fishing Tools
Fishing Motors
Pump and Swivels Packages
Wash Pipe
Over Shots
Impression Blocks
Wire Grabs / Spears
Specialty Tools
Abrasive perforating and cutting
Coil tubing and work-over clean-outs/drill-outs
Venturi/Vortex tools
Fishing: slick line, braided line, coiled tubing, stick pipe, production, open hole
Overbalanced and under-balanced wellborn operations

Thru Tubing
Motors 1.50-3.75
Coil Tubing Connectors
Back Pressure Valves
Hydraulic Diconnects
Circulations Subs
Venturi Tools
Rock Bits